About Me

The secret ingredient is me

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

That's the great quote for Your business, maybe You ran Your business using the same method for couple years and wondering why Your business never be the number one.

Innovation Diagram (Source)

The fact, business is evolving into states that never be imagined before, the old way is done!! The digital era is coming, stop being insane!

My name is Enrico, I have MBA degree from UGM, the first and only one AACSB accredited university in Indonesia. I have good IT background from my bachelor degree (also from UGM), with all my knowledge, I discover many ideas for marketing and business development.

+1 if You find that my blog article is helpful. Thanks!

Bragging rights
Master Degree Cum Laude, Bachelor Degree Cum Laude

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